Adeo Est Enim Omnis Medela

Filipino physicians practice catholic principles and values in medical practice.


The Catholic Physicians' Guild of the Philippines is holding its 87th Anniversary and 2023 Annual Convention on October 17, 2023 with the theme "PROVIDING SPIRITUAL DIRECTION IN THE TIME OF AMBIVALENCE"

This will be held in the PPS Building along Kalayaan Avenue, Quezon City.

Ethical and ongoing concerns will be discussed by our distinguished line up of speakers. For the full programme you may log on to this link or the CPGP website (

View registration guidelines and register through this link. (

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Yours in Faith

CPGP Annual Convention
Organizing Committee

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See Our Announcement & Activities



John Paul II, 29 June 2000

Lord Jesus,

Divine Physician, who in your earthly life showed special concern for those who suffer and entrusted to your disciples the ministry of healing, make us ever ready to alleviate the trials of our brethren. Make each one of us, aware of the great mission that is entrusted to him, strive always to be, in the performance of daily service, an instrument of your merciful love. Enlighten our minds, guide our hands, make our hearts diligent and compassionate. Ensure that in every patient we know how to discern the features of your divine face.

You who are the Way, provide us with the gift of knowing how to imitate you every day as medical doctors not only of the body but of the whole person, helping those who are sick to tread with trust their own earthly path until the moment of their encounter with you. View More


Take part by participating in our events


( 1960 - 2008 ) Catholic Physicians' Guild Of the Philippines

  • Baguio Chapter 1960
  • Cebu Chapter 1962
  • Ilolo Chapter 1992
  • Marikina Chapter 1992
  • Davao Chapter 1993
  • Angeles Chapter 1995
  • Cagayan Chapter 1995
  • Bacolod Chapter 1997
  • Dagupan Chapter 2001
  • Laguna Chapter 2001
  • Deat Chapter 2001
  • Albay Chapter 2002
  • Bataan Chapter 2008
  • View All Chapters


We would like to share our talents

Monzon, Orestes, A Lover's Rendezvous, A&B 10x16, Dyptich, Acrylic on canvas, 2020

Monzon, Orestes, Flowers of Red, 24x18, Acrylic on canvas, 2015 DAZA

Monzon Orestes, Its a Cloudy Day A&B, Diptych Acrylic boxtype 24x18, 2017 ARTIST COLLECTION
Monzon, Orestes, A&B, Mountain Reflection, 24x18 (2) Dyptich, Acrylic on boxtype canvas, 2017

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