The official seal of the Guild is round on the face of which are three concentric circles. On the upper 3/5 of the outer circle are written the Latin words, “A DEO EST ENIM ONMES MEDELA” (To God is indeed all help or glory) and on the lower 2/5 space are laurel leaves with a bow of a ribbon on the center of the leaves. On the inner circle is a cross. Running through the intersection of the arms of the cross is a caduceus representing the medical profession, which runs from the l:30 o’clock position.

To advocate Catholic principles and values in medical practice.

Filipino physicians practice Catholic principles and values in medical care.

Compassionate Service
Our Knowledge and skills as physicians are meant for all.
Poor patients, however, get our preferential options since they have less in life.
We ceaselessly learn to be able to give our best
as we attend to every patient whom we see as the suffering Christ.
We dedicate our medical practice to what is good, right and just.

Our faith in God strengthens us in our daily endeavors to save lives,
for we know that He is always there to help us in the most difficult cases.
We have faith in ourselves that we can model Catholic principles and values in the practice of medicine.



We value the primacy of life from its conception until its natural cessation.

  • We uphold human dignity.
  • We are guided by our belief that life belongs to God and only He may take it away.
  • Our primary role is to sustain His gift of life and its quality.
  • Sound bio-ethics rule our medical practice.

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